Through the Mental Health CAUSE we will carry out work within local communities in Gloucestershire to de-stigmatise mental illness.
Our aim is to have as many communities, companies and organisations as possible, throughout Gloucestershire, demonstrate that they have signed up to the principles of CAUSE, which are:-
Compassion for the people suffering from mental illness, and by their loved ones.
Accepting that mental illness is just another illness.
Understanding that 25% of the population will suffer mental illness in any one year.
Supporting the de-stigmatisation of mental illness.
Engage others in the CAUSE
It was decided that the best way to take this forward was to pilot the project in a small community and the village of Cranham was selected as the pilot community.
To date, 14 local organisations including the parochial church council have signed up to the principles of CAUSE.
Cranham Parish Council has formally resolved to sign up to the principles of CAUSE and local politicians within Stroud and Cotswold District Councils, have been contacted, and they have agreed to ask their Council to adopt the principles of CAUSE.
We now need your help in taking CAUSE to your communities clubs, pubs, organisations and Parish Councils to widen the debate about mental illness and in doing so de stigmatise this terrifying, debilitating and life threatening illness.
To find out more please contact us on :
T: 07518124844